Just my own way of looking at life, family, friends and the pursuit of happiness, but here goes. These are original thoughts, btw :) Yes, Christopher, I sometimes have those
Don't always say what you're thinking. Sometimes the most innocuous thing could lead to disaster.
Appreciate what you have, but aspire to what you want.
Music is the soul of the universe.
Strong and true friendships are built on trust and passion, honesty and acceptance.
There is no shame in showing emotion, be it happiness, anger, sadness or love.
Resistance may be futile, but sometimes it is absolutely necessary.
Taking the initiative can lead to great things, but sitting back and waiting for something to come to you can sometimes be far more rewarding.
Don't take your friends for granted. You picked them for a reason. Stay in touch, stay close, be there when you're needed, need them when they offer.
Contentment is a dangerous, apatethtic state of mind, however blissful. If you don't have something to look forward to, what's the damn point?
Only you can stand up for yourself.
Teach your children to use their brains, their mouths and their backbones. Don't smother them in a blanket of your views, let them form their own, however far from yours.
Be proud of what you've done and who you are.
Take risks. Apathy sucks and not in a good way.
Sharks don't really live in lakes, but I'm still not swimming in one.